Podgorica - Montenegro

notices and news --

NU Institut astronautike i raketne tehnike nastupilo je 27, 28 i 29 septembra na festivalu "OTVORENI DANI NAUKE". Ekipa promotera nauke IART-a bila je u sastavu: Aleksandra Vujadinović (gimnazija "Petar I", Danilovgrad), Dejan Bešović i Filip Drobnjak (škola za srednje i više stručno obrazovanje "Sergije Stanić"-Podgorica). U okviru svog nastupa na festivalu "Dani nauke 2016" IART je posjetiocima predstavio svoje proizvode za potrebe raketnog modelarstva: kompleti modelarskih raketa (tijela raketa, balističke kape, padobrani itd), električne pripale, električni starter raketa ... Proizvodi IART-a su originalna i potpuna rješenja, konstruktivno i tehnološki. Primijenjeni su savremeni materijali, nove metode izrade i alati. Rezultati testiranja su potvrdili visok kvalitet i funkcionalnost. -- 20.12.2015 -- IART počinje otkrivanje uzbudljivih tajni mikrokontrolera. Pogledajte na linku mikrokontroleri - kako male prave velike stvari - Institut astronautike i raketne tehnike koristi Microsoft Windows 10 operativni sistem od momenta kad je Microsoft objavio njegovu distribuciju. On the 25th September 2015, during the festival DAYS OF SCIENCE, in Podgorica was held event "Researchers' Night". The event was organized successfully by the PRONA (Montenegrin Science Promotion Foundation). At the "Researchers' Night" took part ngo ASTRONAUTICS AND ROCKET TECNNOLOGY INSTITUTE, depicting the production process of parts and assembly process of model rockets from modern materials. On that occasion was put into operation also, an electronic device for measuring the THRUST (pushing force) of the model-rocket engines. To view the setting of the Astronautics and Rocket Technology Institute click on the link below doprinos širenju tehničke kulture- the photo-report on the Astronautics and Rocket Technology setting . . . Lecture of the USA astronauts , Ms. Marsha Ivins, in the amphitheater of Mechanical Engineering Faculty, 21.09.2015 has been very successful. Over 250 visitors monitored exposure carefully, spontaneously welcoming attractive scenes from the lives of astronauts in the space station. Ms. Marsha Ivins was presented a gift-image by Milos Stanojevic, a specialist in visual communications at FVI Mediterranean University Podgorica, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers presented to her Isidora Sekulic, a student of the Faculty of Biotechnology, Montenegro University - Podgorica Misija nu Institut astronautike i raketne tehnike je primjena naučnih saznanja u proizvodnji savrenenih artikala. Vizija nu Institut astronautike i raketne tehnike je snažna privreda Crne Gore, zasnovana na primjjeni saznanja moderne nauke., ....

rocket engineering

model rocket

The operation principles of rockets are known for centuries. Only travels in Cosmos showed that for their achievement, rocket propulsion as technical solution has no alternative. Rocketry is a complex and attractive discipline that generates research and production programs. Cosmos is near! .

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A mechatronics engineer uses the principles of mechanics, electronics and computing to get a simpler, more economical and reliable system. Demand for engineers Mechatronics is constantly growing. So, the study programs of Mechatronics are represented at elite universities. Mechatroncs is really cool!

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Rocket propulsion is achieved using solid or liquid rocket fuel. In both cases it is about the composition of chemical compounds. The structure of the rocket is made of new material: carbon fiber, polymers, etc. They are light weight and high strength. Chemistry is enabling cosmic rocket flights.

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Space rockets flights are only possible by applying computer programming. It is time for PROGRAMMING. (The clock is made in JavaScript and HTML5 canvas.)

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science in practice

green chemistry

The application of scientific research achieves rapid pace and that is evident in the everyday life. The applied cience is an inexhaustible source of great ideas and exploring examples of that is a big inspiration to seek real possibilities for the improvement of life and work.

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IART details


The main activity of the IART is professional and organizational assistance to citizens in the definition and implementation of production programs. Seminars, practical courses, internet presentetation and the like are supporting components of the main activity only.

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