step by step to rocketry expert

Modelarske rockets are the basic (initial) level study of rocketry and are fast, accessible, easy, attractive way to acquire knowledge of rocket propulsion, aerodynamics, construction, launch and flight of missiles.
Amateur rockets are a higher level of study and practice in rocket technique. They have a strong rocket engine, they are large in size and carry measuring instruments. Require significant knowledge of rocket techniques and other technical disciplines, and are an excellent introduction to the professional rocket vehicles.
Research rockets are professional level work in rocket technique. They have a big use and importance for testing of medium layers of the earth's atmosphere. From research to cosmic rockets is only a step.

model rockets


Model rockets (MR) are widespread in the world through clubs and institutions of education. Use and mode of dealing with MR dictate national standards and regulations. Parts of model rockets and model rocket engines (MRE) are made of plastic, paper, wood, ceramics. The weight of MR is about 20 grams. Model rocket engines product only authorized producers.The launch takes place at places and under conditions which do not compromise the safety of participants and the environment. Rocket modeling takes place exclusively in the institutional framework, clubs, schools, model rockets organizations (NAR in USA, CNES in France, UKRA in Great Britain etc.).

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sounding rockets


Professional research (sounding) rockets carry instruments for measurement and scientific experiments in the course of his, as a rule, sub-orbital flight. They reach the height of 50 - 120 kilometers (helium balloons reach 40 kilometers and the minimum height of satellites is 120 kilometers). Professional sounding rockets are complex and expensive project. Therefore,in the educational, preparatory phase researchers work more on amateur sounding rockets. These have powerful rocket engines, with more pounds of rocket fuel, the weight of up to several tens of kilograms, and reaching the height of up to 30 kilometers. These can accommodate measuring and observing instruments.

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Aerospace engineers design aircraft, spacecraft and satellites. In addition, they test prototypes to make sure that they function according to design. Aerospace engineers can specialize in designing different types of aerospace products, such as commercial and military airplanes and helicopters; remotely piloted aircraft and rotorcraft; spacecraft, including launch vehicles and satellites; and military missiles and rockets. Aerospace engineers often become experts in one or more related fields: aerodynamics, thermodynamics, celestial mechanics, flight mechanics, propulsion, acoustics, and guidance and control systems.

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Aerospace similar rocket technique is experiencing great progress thanks to the application of the achievements of other scientific disciplines, which are having been braught to aeronautical structures new functionalities, high quality, increased capacity, high safety, operability, comfort and so on. Chemistry has contributed with new materials, mechatronics with integrated functionalities, electronics in communication, computer science in management and so on. It is amazing expansion of the use of unmanned aircraft for commercial purposes, working in agriculture, working on rugged terrain etc.

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