model rockets - it is never late for good things

- INDIA began its successful space program in 1962 year, producing and testing model rocket engines. -

design and production

skica rakete

Model rockets are divided into competition and pattern. Competitive rockets are up to 25 cm long, weighing up to 25 gram. Model rocket engines (MRM) give propulsion to them. The weakest MRM has the label A, rocket fuel mass up to 2.5 gram, thrust up to 1,5 N, a total impuls up to 2.5 Ns. The most powerful MRM has designated with F, the weight of fuel is up to 80 g, thrust up to 40 N and total impulse to 80 Ns. Such an engine is used to start pattern rockets, wihch are scaling down original construction of space rockets and have the weight up to 5.00N.

model rockets design, production »

ignition and launch

mali modelar

Model rocket, prepared for activation is set on the starting stand device refered to as - launcher . Usually, launcher is a simple metal rod with a diameter of 4 mm, placed vertically in the stand device. For firing rockets except launchers, there are still required the electric cable and the firing device. The cable connects rocket engine igniter with the firing device. By pressing the start button of the device, the rocket engine is fired, rocket moves on along the launcher rod and leaves it at a rate sufficient for stable flight (about 40 m/s).

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aerodynamics and flight


The part of trajectory while rocket engine is working is referred to as the active path. Every rocket reaches a maximum speed at the end of the rocket engine propulsion (1-3 seconds). The rest of the trajectory the rocket flies by inertia (passive trajectory). On the passive path rocket is exposed only to the effects of gravity and air resistance force. When reaches the maximum height (apogee), rocket has a very low speed. It begins to fall, but ejects parachute. Rocket falls slowly. .

more on aerodynamics and ballistics »

model rocket engine


Model rocket engines provides propulsion of the rocket. Rocket fuel is burned, creatinga large amount of hot gas, temperature 3000 ℃. In the the engine, due to the propellant combustion it is created the pressure of 100 bar. Pressure causes a flow of hot combustion products through the engine nozzle at a speed of 2000 m / sec. The consequence is reactive force -thrust. The thrust acting on the rocket, accelerating it during engine operation on the path.

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organizacija, pravila, klubovi i društva


Institut astronautike i raketne tehnike populariše raketnu tehniku i stvara uslove da se ova oblast tehničkih nauka izučava i primjenjuje. IART planira osnivanje klubova i udruženja raketne tehnike u svim gradovima Crne Gore. Iniciraće se formiranje institucije Astronautičko-raketni savez Crne Gore (ARSCG) koja će objedinjavati i usklađivati njihov rad i razvoj. ARSCG institucija ima obavezu da donosi i primjenjuje pravila i propise rada u skladu sa pravnom i sigurnosnom regulativom države Crne Gore. Astronauričko-raketni savez će biti spona sa srodnim institucijama Evropske unije i drugih država svijeta i raditi sa njima na razvoju djelatnosti kojoj su se posvetili. ARSCG će učestvovati na takmičenjima, smotrama i organizovati ih. .

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foto i video zapisi


Modelarske rakete podstiću stvaralaštvo i kreativnost, razvijaju vještinu, strpljenje, osjećaj za finoću, razumijevanje principa raketnog pogona, aerodinamike, leta. Posebno je atraktvno i uzbudljivo lansiranje raketa. Odbrojavanje do polijetanja učesnike događaja prenosi u neko drugo vrijeme i prostor. Slijedi impresivan start u lanseru, zadivljuju snaga i elegencija leta, trag na nebu veže koncentraciju za munjevito kretanje tačke, a onda otvaranje kupole padobrana i praćenje blagog prizemljenja konstrukcije. Mnoštvo događaja, zbijenih u desetak sekundi uvijek je zanimljivo za zapis i uspomenu. Ova galerija svjedoči o ljepoti i korisnosti bavljenja raketnim modelarstvom, a akterima koji će možda biti i učesnici stvarnih letova u kosmos.

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